(602) 439-5192

Water-Wise Landscaping in Arizona

Interested in conserving water and saving money on your utilities? In Arizona, landscaping may comprise 30-50% of your water bill. Here are some of the best ways to be water-wise:

Create Landscaping Zones

If you divide your property into different zones based on water use, you can make sure that you get the most out of your watering. For example, create:

  • A higher water zone close to your building(s) to provide cooling shade and pleasant views.
  • A desert zone which uses natural vegetation or drought-tolerant natives in the zone furthest from your building.
  • A transition zone in the middle.


The most water-wise irrigation systems use one or more of the following:

  • Water harvesting techniques to catch and redirect rain.
  • Drip irrigation.
  • Micro-basin flooding.
  • Soaker hoses.

Select Low Water Use Plants

Within your zones be sure to group plants with similar water needs. Pay attention to landscapes in your area to find plants you like or ask an expert landscaper for suggestions.

Mulch On Top

Reduce evaporation and suppress weeds by using three or more inches of rock or shredded bark mulch on top of your soil.

Perform Regular Maintenance

With a well-planned xeriscape yard, you will have a water-wise investment. Regular weeding and checking the system for leaks or underperforming areas will keep your plants and your budget happy, while preserving natural resources.

Need help creating or maintaining a water-wise garden? For 18 years, Victor’s Landscaping, Inc. has provided expert xeriscape residential and commercial landscaping and maintenance.

Posted in Articles on March 19th, 2017.

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