(602) 439-5192

6 Flowering Landscape Plants for Arizona Winter

In Arizona, February is a time for flowers, and we don’t just mean Valentine’s day bouquets. These six landscape plants bring color to the low desert even during the winter.


Coral and red penstemon are the popular choices for Arizona landscapes. Tall stalks produce multiple, bell-shaped flowers. These rise from a tuft of foliage with bright green, tapered leaves. Red penstemon is also referred to as firecracker penstemon, which perfectly describes how the flowers enliven rocky desert landscapes.

Globe Mallow

Pictured above in soft pink, globe mallow comes in a variety of colors. Orange is a popular choice. Abundant growth occurs during the cooler months, especially after rain. The shrub produces textured leaves and extends from 1-3′ in width, depth, and height. Flowers bloom in stalks. Globe mallows need pruning after the growing season to ensure they don’t look weedy.



We often see brittlebush volunteering, planting itself in native soil. If you find one of these silver-white plants growing in your yard, you might want to keep it or have it transplanted. Yellow flowers burst out of the ghostly foliage on thin stalks. It can grow to about waist-height, and it looks lovely in rounded form.

Blackfoot Daisy

The Blackfoot Daisy is a low-growing shrub ideal for groundcover and as a border plant. It produces cheerful white flowers with yellow centers. We love designing with Blackfoot Daisy because it looks equally at home in rocky cactus gardens as it does in lush flower beds.

Goodding’s Verbena

This plant looks nice planted by itself, but it really shines in a meadow garden. The round clusters of purple flowers attract butterflies and bees. Despite blooming almost year-round, this plant produces low litter.

Desert Milkweed

As the name implies, desert milkweed has a weedy appearance. Most famous for its role in the life cycle of Monarch butterflies, it produces attractive yellow, orange, or white flowers. Choosing to plant native milkweed helps with butterfly conservation efforts.

At Victor’s Landscaping, Inc., we design sustainable commercial and residential landscapes. We love spending time outdoors making sure these plants thrive. Call us today for a consultation.

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