(602) 439-5192

Growing Winter Lawns in Phoenix

Should you plant winter grass in Arizona? The Bermuda grass commonly used for summer lawns in Phoenix won’t perform during the winter, leading homeowners and commercial property owners to seek winter grass planting and maintenance.

Winter Lawn Alternatives

Some properties, such as golf courses and athletic fields, need grass. Be it natural or artificial turf, having grass is pretty much non-negotiable. For homes and businesses with the option of not having a green lawn, consider a xeriscape instead. It looks fantastic, it saves water and energy, and we can handle laying and replenishing the gravel.

So You Need A Winter Lawn

If you need a winter lawn in Arizona, then it’s time to get to work. Your Bermuda grass is laying low, literally. It’s in a dormant stage, and if you’ve ever tried getting rid of Bermuda grass, you’ll know it hasn’t really gone away. Rest assured, it will grow again when spring comes.

Meanwhile, around mid-October is the best time to plant ryegrass. Seed too soon and you’ll cook the seeds; too late and you’ll end up just feeding the birds without much of a lawn to show for it.

Planting Ryegrass in Phoenix

This variety will last until around May, when temperatures reach the triple digits on a regular basis. Before seeding, we prepare the lawn by cutting the Bermuda grass really short, thatching, and aerating or treating the soil if necessary. Then we lay the seeds down and come up with an irrigation schedule. The goal is to optimize water savings while still giving the seeds what they need to grow.

If we experience a rainy winter, it’s safe to reduce watering, especially if you have a clay-rich soil that retains water.

At Victor’s Landscaping, Inc., we’re happy to spend these fall days outside converting your summer lawn into winter ryegrass. If you’re interested in saving water, whether by choosing an alternative to grass or by growing grass in the most efficient way possible, choose a sustainable landscaping professional. Even small adjustments can mean big savings, especially for commercial properties.

Questions? Call (602) 439-5192 to Talk to a Landscape Specialist

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