(602) 439-5192

How Residential Landscapers Can Help You Beautify the Home, Lawn, and Garden

residential landscaping service

Beautifying your home, lawn, and garden is a lot of work. It can take hours to mow the grass, weed flower beds, plant new flowers and shrubs, trim bushes and trees. And it’s not just a one-time endeavor. You have to do this every year or more often if you want to keep everything looking good. So why bother?

Well, for starters, there are all those benefits that come with keeping up appearances. The increased curb appeal makes people want to buy your house. The satisfaction you get from seeing how much nicer things look when they’re taken care of, less time spent inside cleaning because things will be cleaner outside too, better air quality in your home because plants filter out pollutants and give off oxygen, and more. Here are ways through which residential landscapers can help you beautify the home, lawn, and garden.

1. Thoroughly Clean Out Beds and Borders

The beds and borders must be thoroughly cleared out before you plant new plants or add any mulch or topsoil. Don’t be tempted to put things in the same places they were before. If there were old plants previously growing in garden beds, they need to be pulled out carefully to not damage adjacent root systems.

2. Weed Control

Pulling weeds manually can be hard work, often impossible once plants are established as roots go deep into the ground and break off when pulled, requiring hours of digging with a shovel. Using chemical weedkillers can be hazardous to your health and the environment. Instead, a residential landscaping service can treat your lawn with an organic weed killer that cuts off its ability to photosynthesize, so they starve. This way, you’re only attacking the weeds you see above ground and not affecting beneficial plants below the soil.

3. Prune

Not just trees! Many yards have ornamental shrubs in perennial beds, which should be pruned at least once a year to maintain their shape (otherwise, they tend to become top-heavy with flower heads). If you don’t like how some of them look, ask if a landscaping contractor can reshape them using other means than simply hacking away at them unrecognizably.

4. Plant New Perennials

Native grasses, wildflowers, and shrubs can be enormously effective in attracting native species of butterflies, birds, pollinators, and other beneficial wildlife for a truly sustainable garden. A residential landscaper will know what plants are best suited to your climate and the needs of the creatures you want to encourage in your garden.

5. Plant New Shrubs

Almost every yard has some bushes that get too big for their borders. This is why it’s a great time of year for landscapers to come and remove them (and replace them with something more suitable). They’ll also take away old ones that have outlived their welcome.

6. Lawn Installation

If you have a small area for a lawn, there are several ways to make it look lusher and tidier without the need for fertilizers or pesticides. The best is to install a new lawn that will give you several benefits, including least maintenance than growing your own from seed (which takes weeks). It can also be made of tough grasses that out-compete weeds and grow well in areas where the soil is not good.

7. Invasive Plant Removal

If there’s a wildflower in your yard that isn’t native to the area or has started taking over large areas of your grass, it’s time to address this. Residential landscaping contractors can remove these invasive plants and give you advice on which ground covers are best for the space they occupied previously.

Tired Of the Same Old Residential Landscaping Service in Your Neighborhood?

Ready to add some curb appeal to your home or business with fresh plants and flowers, a new shade tree, a garden bed for vegetables or herbs? Or maybe you’re looking for something more practical like mulch or lawn care. Whatever it is, that’s on your residential landscaping service wish list. We can make it happen! Just give us a call today, and let’s get started enhancing the landscape around you. We offer residential landscaping services at competitive rates while providing personalized customer care from start to finish.

Questions? Call (602) 439-5192 to Talk to a Landscape Specialist

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