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5 Tips for Winter Lawn Care

Winter calls for a different type of lawn than summer, in Arizona’s desert climate. Do not make the mistake of thinking you can get away with ignoring your lawn over winter, unless you want a yard that looks completely dead. Planting a winter lawn is a good way to keep your outdoor space looking great.

Follow these tips for winter landscape maintenance, and you will save time and money as well as ensure that your yard looks good year-round.

  1. Plant Your Winter Grass at the Right Time

 You cannot just plant winter rye grass whenever you feel like it. It requires certain conditions to grow and thrive. Typically, this happens around October, when night temperatures level off around 60F.

A residential or commercial landscape service can help you determine when the weather conditions are right for your specific property.

  1. Give Your Winter Grass the Right Environment

You need to cut back your existing summer grass to make space for the winter grass to grow. However, you don’t want to completely remove the existing grass. Simply cut it back and thin it out, and overseed the area with rye grass. Again, a residential or commercial landscape service can assist.

  1. Know When to Mow

 After your winter lawn starts growing, do not mow it right away. The first time you mow the lawn, it should be about two inches tall. After that you can set up a landscape maintenance schedule that keeps your grass at the right height for its type.

  1. Watch the Water

Watering your winter lawn mostly depends on the weather. You should strive to water the lawn every three to ten days depending on how hot it is outside, for approximately 15 minutes each session. You can check the water penetration by putting a small hole in the ground, to see what level the water is at. This way, you can adjust to water less or more depending on what you see.

  1. Outsource if You Can

Outsourcing winter landscape maintenance to a residential or commercial landscape service is a great way to keep your lawn looking great all year without having to worry about it yourself. Landscapers are experienced in planting and maintaining winter lawns, and know all of the best practices that keep lawns healthy, growing, and regularly watered at an appropriate level.

Posted in Articles on September 30th, 2016.

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