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Frost Protection and Preparing for Arizona Winter

November is the time to begin preparing your Arizona landscape for winter. Here is how you can make sure your garden is prepared for the weather change:

Frost Protection

Plants that are sensitive to frost need to be protected, so make sure you have something you can put on them when the temperature dips down to freezing.  Never use plastic, which can cause burning on leaves. Instead, use:

  • N-Sulate fabric you can find at a garden center.
  • Rolls of burlap.
  • Old sheets or lightweight fabric.

Drape the material so that it will touch the ground all around the edges of the plant so that it will trap the heat that radiates from the ground. The advantage of using UV treated N-Sulate is that it can be left on for several days, but don’t leave any protection on for longer than that. Your plants still need sunlight.


At this time of the year, cut back on your watering.  Water container plants once a month, succulents and cacti even less. Moreover, by November’s end, you should shut down your irrigation system entirely because when plants aren’t growing, they do better without irrigation.


Major pruning should be reserved for spring. In the fall, prune for safety and plant health. Good candidates include:

  • Deciduous trees whose flaws can be seen when leaves drop.
  • Vigorous trees like Mesquites.
  • Plants like Texas Ranger, Brittlebush, Rosemary, Globe Mallow, Coral Vine and Yucca.

Patios and Fire Pits

Your pool may be closed, but your patio is open for dinner and entertainment throughout the holiday season and into spring. Brick, stone, and tile all complement Arizona homes and landscapes. Outdoor fireplaces and kitchens bring warmth to cool nights under the desert sky.

Need help preparing your landscape for winter?  A professional landscaper can give advice and perform outdoor work.

Posted in Articles on November 27th, 2017.

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