(602) 439-5192

Create Space within a Small Yard

Backyard landscaping ideas are often targeted toward people with large yards, who can implement complex backyard design features with room to spare. But not everyone has a huge amount of space to work with – what are some good backyard landscaping ideas for smaller yards?

Backyard design for a small yard involves working with what you have, and building on it as much as possible to expand space and make the most of it.

Large design features like pergolas and gazebos can add an element of interest to a small yard, making it appear grander than it actually is. These features also do double-duty, as a trellised wall or panel makes for an excellent location for plants that grow vertically. Even vegetables, berries and herbs can be trained to grow up, meaning you can grow your own food in a small footprint and add natural beauty to your yard at the same time.

You can break your small space into even smaller spaces – it may sound counterintuitive, but setting up zones in your yard that feel cozy really adds to the atmosphere of your outdoor area. Instead of having the entire small yard set out before you, you can nestle into smaller areas, which will let you and your guests forget just how little space there is elsewhere.

Nearly any part of your yard can become an interesting backyard design feature – take advantage of corners of houses and other dead zones by filling them with beautiful plants. You can even take over the entire lawn with landscaping details, if you are not the kind of person who has to have grass. Even a flat area can become so much more, with raised beds and retaining walls.

Working with a landscaper in Gilbert is the ideal way to make the most of your small yard. You can share your backyard landscaping ideas, and leave it to the pros to actually set up the backyard design and do the work. A landscaper in Gilbert will have professional experience informing their decisions, so you can rest assured that no part of your small yard will remain unused and ugly.

Just because you have a small yard, does not mean you need to give up on your dreams of a backyard oasis. Talk to a landscaper in Gilbert about backyard design!

Questions? Call (602) 439-5192 to Talk to a Landscape Specialist

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