(602) 439-5192

5 Tips for Summer Lawn Care in Phoenix

Especially in Arizona, sustainable landscaping requires limited water use. Of course, the best way to reduce the amount of water used on your lawn is to keep it small, or consider alternatives to grass such as gravel.

That said, whether you own a home with a small putting green or a large commercial complex with several courtyards, our expert landscapers can save you money, resources and frustration by providing proper lawn maintenance.

Tips for Summer Lawn Care

Professional landscapers keep the following elements in mind when caring for drought-resistant lawns:

1. Grass Length: You want to keep your grass not so long that it goes to seed and dies off, and not so short that it drinks tons of water trying to grow. The right grass height depends on the type of grass you planted. It ranges from 1/2 inch at the low end to 3 1/2 inches at the high end.

2. Soil Aeration: Plants depend on roots, and roots depend on getting water and nutrients out of the spaces between soil particles. If your soil is hard and compacted, roots will grow shallow, weakening the plants.

3. Dethatching: A little bit of thatch acts as mulch by reducing evaporation and keeping water in the soil for the roots to use. However, too much blocks water from entering the soil in the first place.

4. Fertilizer: Too much can cause overgrowth, attracting pests and increasing the frequency of mowing. Also, excess fertilizer enters the surrounding environment, causing pollution issues.

Consider investing in slow-release fertilizer to reduce runoff and optimize the amount of nutrients your grass receives. A small amount of iron helps grass stay green in the summer, but runoff can stain pavement.

5. Water: Designing and maintaining an efficient irrigation system takes planning and expertise. It pays off in the amount of money you save on water bills. Efficient watering places sprinklers correctly, removes anything that blocks waterheads and immediately repairs or replaces faulty equipment.

Further, sustainable irrigation systems should be programmable. Some areas need more water than others. Avoid watering during peak evaporation times, which occur after the hottest part of the day. Most evaporation takes place between 4-9pm.

If you have questions or concerns about summer lawn care, don’t wait until your turf gets crunchy or your lawn becomes a mud puddle. Protect your investment and contact us.

Questions? Call (602) 439-5192 to Talk to a Landscape Specialist

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